Monday, May 20, 2019

Suffering From Low Back Pain? Read This

What is it
Low back pain is pain located in the lower or lower part of the back, whose origin has to do with the musculoskeletal structure of the spine.

According to the best physiotherapist in Delhi, it is a local pain accompanied by referred or irradiated pain that does not occur as a result of fracturesspondylitis, trauma or neoplastic, neurological, infectious, vascular, endocrine, metabolic, gynecological or psychosomatic causes.

This pathology affects both young people, adults and seniors and appears both in sedentary jobs, and in those that involve great physical effort.

Approximately 80 percent of the population has had or will have some low back pain during their life and up to 70 percent of the young people before their 16th birthday have experienced this back pain.

Formerly it was believed that the pain appeared because there was some alteration of the structure of the spine, such as scoliosis or herniated disc. However, physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka says that this is a mistake.

The pain of low back pain appears due to a neurological mechanism that involves the activation of the nerves that transmit pain and the triggering of muscle contracture and inflammation. Sometimes, it can also involve compression of the nerve root.

This mechanism can be triggered by an alteration in the structure of the spine, such as a herniated disc or significant degeneration of the intervertebral joint, but in most cases the initial cause that triggers it cannot be ascertained, and It is attributed to pain due to contracture or muscle overload, says physiotherapist in Dwarka.

The most common manifestations of low back pain explained by top physiotherapist in Dwarka are local or irradiated pain, inflammation and the presence of muscle contractures.

On the other hand, depending on the degree of radicular involvement and compression, alterations in sensitivity can occur (anesthesia, hypoanesthesia, hyperesthesia, tingling, etc.) and movement disorders (paresis, paralysis, among others).

"To avoid back pain is advisable to exercise or, in any case, stay physically active, avoid sedentary lifestyle, adopt a brave mental attitude to pain and meet the standards of postural hygiene designed to perform daily activities so that the back support the least possible load, "explains best physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka.

Physiotherapist in Dwarka points out that, in general, they can increase somewhat the risk of suffering from back pain those that subject the body to vibrations, those that require flexion-extension or torsion movements and those that force to maintain flexion or hyperextension postures. However, performing physical exercises that develop a balanced musculature can alleviate the adverse effects.

At present there is no specific classification of low back pain. However, many specialists distinguish two categories:
  • Specific back pain: This type includes the diagnosis of low back pain with a known cause, approximately 20 percent of cases.
  • Nonspecific low back pain: It is the remaining 80 percent and includes all cases in which the specific cause of the pain is not known.
The most important sources of information to know the causes of back pain are the patient's medical history and physical examination.

The rest of the tests (radiological, analytical or functional) only have value if the results correspond to those of the physical examination. Since some are painful and others involve certain risks, home physiotherapist in Dwarka recommends resorting to them only when the results of the interrogation or physical examination determine their convenience.


General measures

Avoid resting in bed, if possible
The patient should avoid resting in bed as a treatment for back pain. If the pain forces to keep it, it should be as short as possible. Studies show that this measure delays recovery.

Stay as active as possible
Physiotherapist in Janakpuri points out that the patient should maintain as much activity as possible and try to normalize it as soon as possible.

Postural hygiene: Avoid overloading the back
During the painful episode, the patient should try to keep the rhythm of activity within normal but, always avoiding overloading the back.

To achieve this it is convenient to know and apply postural hygiene rules, which describe how to adopt postures and perform movements or efforts so that the back supports the least possible load and the muscles reduce their work. This allows that, if at any given moment the patient has to make an effort, he knows how to do it reducing the risk of overcoming his possibilities.

"Whatever the reason, studies agree that education focused on active management (avoiding rest and maintaining the highest level of activity that pain allows) and exercise (interrupting only in the most acute phase of pain and restarting progressively as soon as possible) have an effect of a clinically relevant magnitude and much greater than postural hygiene. In fact, it is impossible to constantly comply with the rules of postural hygiene, but when the musculature is trained and well developed, it does exercise its protective function automatically and constantly, " physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka adds.

When transmitting knowledge of postural hygiene it is important to insist that these norms are only theoretical coadjuvants in the context of active management and exercise and never the essence of a treatment or prevention program. In addition, the rules of postural hygiene have to be clear, understandable and applicable, so that the method of transmission of knowledge is as important as its content. 

Apply heat or cold
If relieved, the patient can apply heat or cold in the painful area, although no scientific studies have been done to evaluate its effect. In general, the cold is applied immediately after the injury and the heat in the exacerbation of chronic ailments.

It is applied in three phases:
  • Phase 1 : In the beginning, and especially if the pain is not very intense and only affects the back -and there is no pain radiating to the arm or leg-, analgesics are recommended .
  • Phase 2 : If analgesics are not effective, their replacement by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be considered. In general, its use is not recommended more than 14 days in a row.
  • Phase 3 : If it is not enough to control pain, the specialist should consider adding a short course of muscle relaxant, for less than 1 week.
Neuroreflexotherapy intervention (NRT)

If the back pain, with or without irradiated pain, persists after 14 days of pharmacological treatment, it is indicated to perform an NRT intervention.

It is also advised as an option in those cases in which pharmacological treatment is contraindicated, such as pregnant women.

If the first intervention NRT achieves the total disappearance of the symptomatology and the normalization of the physical examination, it is not necessary to repeat it unless in the future new painful episodes reappear. In the event that a partial or transitory improvement is achieved, it can be repeated until a complete and definitive one is obtained. If it does not get any effect, it does not make sense to intervene again.

In patients who have not returned to their usual activities after 6 weeks, an attempt should be made to begin an exercise regimen & physiotherapy in Dwarka.

Initially they can try soft and generic activities, such as walking or swimming, to avoid weakening the musculature. Later, specific exercises for the back can be started.

Once the painful episode has passed, exercise and postural hygiene reduce the risk of a crisis appearing or reproducing.

In patients in whom there are specific selection criteria, in specific cases of disc herniation, spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis or progressive scoliosis in children or adolescents, orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi can assess the performance of a surgery.

Rhizolysis can be considered in a small subgroup of chronic patients if they are selected very rigorously with specific criteria.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Approach of physiotherapy in stenosis of the lumbar canal

What is a lumbar stenosis? What treatment options are there? How is it approached from the point of view of physiotherapy?

As explained by Physiotherapist in Dwarkastenosis of the lumbar canal is defined as a narrowing of the diameter of the spinal canal due to morphological changes, which produces a compression of the neural elements that run through it. It can affect one or several vertebral levels.

The CAUSE of onset can be congenital (rare) or arthritic degeneration. Within the morphological changes that produce it, we can find:
  • Hypertrophy of the bony or ligamentous system.
  • Degeneration of the joint facets of the interapofisary joints.
  • Spondylolisthesis.
  • herniated discs.
The most characteristic SYMPTOM of stenosis of the lumbar canal is intermittent claudication, which we discuss below. Other clinical signs and symptoms may include low back pain (with or without irradiation to the lower limbs), loss of range of motion or sensations of paraesthesia or weakness.

Once the diagnosis has been confirmed by an orthopaedic in Delhi specialized in traumatology, with the help of imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the treatment approach can be conservative or by lumbar surgery.

Within the conservative treatment, physiotherapy in Dwarka plays a fundamental role in the reduction of symptoms, always bearing in mind that it is a chronic pathology. Depending on the intensity and severity of the symptoms, it can help to delay and, sometimes, avoid surgery.

Physiotherapic Treatment in A Patient with Stenosis of The Lumbar Channel.
The biomechanics of the lumbar spine produces modifications in the diameter of the spinal canal depending on the position of our lumbar spine. Thus, during the movement of trunk flexion this channel increases its diameter and during the extension movement decreases.

The intermittent claudication is caused by a further decrease of the diameter of the medullary canal due to compression of the circulatory system during prolonged running. This occurs because when we walk our lumbar spine is in an extension position (Lordosis), so the spinal canal is compressed. Pain and fatigue disappear when sitting, position in which our spine is usually more flexed.

The approach of this type of pathologies from the point of view of physiotherapy in Dwarka should include techniques and exercises that favor the movement of lumbar flexion, thus facilitating the increase in the diameter of the medullary canal. On the other hand, patient and physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka has to focus on the work which should be done to avoid favoring that the lumbar flexion may cause the appearance of other symptoms and to improve the general physical condition of the patient, thus allowing the improvement obtained to be perpetuated.

Therefore, rehabilitation should focus on performing mobilizations and exercises of lumbar flexion by both the best physiotherapist in Dwarka and the patient, such as:
- Work in pelvic retroversion.
- Bring the knees to the chest in the supine position, both simultaneously and alternatively.
- Lumbar flexion in quadruped.
- In a sitting position, bend down with your hands between your legs.

In addition, since part of the symptomatology has an important neural component, a neurodynamic work of the medullary canal and the peripheral nerves of the lower limbs will improve the adaptability of these tissues to their possible compression or elongation.

This should be combined with cardiovascular work (bike), strength and elasticity of lower limbs (MMII) and postural aimed at avoiding postures in hyperextension.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What is congenital multiple arthrogryposis?

At Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Centre in Dwarka, we approach problems from the area of ​​paediatric physiotherapy in Dwarka that affect the smallest among which are rare neurological diseases or rare diseases, such as multiple congenital arthrogryposis.

What is congenital multiple arthrogryposis?
Congenital Multiple Arthrogryposis or AMC is a non-progressive congenital neuromuscular syndrome, that is, it occurs during pregnancy and becomes evident at birth.

It is a rare disease, it is estimated that in India it occurs in 1 of every 10000 births and affects children equally.

It is estimated that there are many types of AMC, about 400 types, the most frequent being neuropathic arthrogryposis, myopathic arthrogryposis and amyloplastic.

Why is it produced and what signs/symptoms appear?
It is usually due to a restriction of the movement of the foetus during pregnancy, which can occur for several reasons, such as inadequate development of the foetus' musculoskeletal system during pregnancy, insufficient amount of amniotic fluid or little intrauterine space, alteration of the central nervous system or peripheral of the foetus, etc.

In short, any things that limits the movement of the foetus during pregnancy can produce muscle contracture and its subsequent joint limitation with greater or lesser severity, affecting upper and/or lower limbs (especially in shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees and feet), spine, jaw, etc.

These symptoms can be compared to the placement of a cast on an arm for a fracture, which after a short period of time can generate immobilized joint stiffness and muscle atrophy. In this case, the symptoms are temporary, resolving spontaneously and with the help of physiotherapist in Dwarka. However, if this limitation of movement occurs during pregnancy, it causes greater severity and therefore requires a specific and individualized approach.

Which is the treatment?
- Orthopaedic treatment: use of splints or orthopaedic devices that are progressive and adaptable to the child's growth. They can be used during the day or at night, being important to prevent the increase of the deformity of the affected joint.
- Physiotherapy: will be a basic pillar in the treatment of this problem, both to improve joint range, as to increase the strength of the muscles and prevent the onset or worsening of the stiffness of affected joints. This will allow the child to improve his movement during the activities of daily life, for which reason an adapted and individualized treatment should be elaborated to the needs of the child and his family.
  • Hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy: a specialty that is approached from physiotherapy in Janakpuri and that will help improve the joint range of the affected joints (the aquatic environment allows greater freedom of movement thanks to the mechanical properties of water such as flotation and the elevated temperature that provides greater flexibility to the musculoskeletal system), in addition it will also help to increase the strength and resistance of the muscles and improve the gait, coordination and balance of the child.
  • Respiratory physiotherapy: the child may present respiratory distress due to deformity of the thoracic cage or by alteration of the inspiratory and expiratory muscles. The objective of these techniques is the mobilization and fluidification of mucus that favours the expulsion of mucus, improving pulmonary ventilation and decreasing the risk of infections and bronchopulmonary complications.
- Surgical treatment: sometimes it is necessary to perform surgery by orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi to correct the position of the affected joints, if conservative treatment is not enough.
At Physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, we have the best physiotherapist in Dwarka who will approach the child from a multidisciplinary approach, being able to perform hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy, respiratory physiotherapy and child or paediatric physiotherapy.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How Home Physiotherapy in Dwarka Helping People

What is Home Physical Therapy
The Home Physiotherapy in Dwarka or also called Physiotherapy Home Care has become a trend increasingly growing and present in the lives of patients, making more humanized and individualized care. Also called physiotherapy services at home in Dwarka. This technique has emerged with the intention of offering a more comfortable environment and a more particular treatment for each patient.

People who opt for the presence of the physiotherapist for home visit in Dwarka do so for a variety of reasons, such as flexibility of schedules, the impossibility of locomotion, especially in the case of injured or elderly patients, and even the comfort and practicality our homes offer.

Advantages of home physical therapy
Many physicians have increasingly recommended their patients to opt for home physiotherapy in Janakpuri, since in some cases the presence of family and caregivers during sessions can mean a great deal in rehabilitation.

In home care physiotherapy in Dwarka, there is no shortage of resources for the patient to recover from injuries or illnesses. The techniques employed, as well as resources such as appliances and equipment, are moved to the patient's home, making the home a true office, with the best to be offered so that there is full recovery of health.

How Home Care Physiotherapy Works
Home care physiotherapy in Dwarka works basically like conventional physiotherapy, but with greater flexibility of schedules in order to meet the needs of each person. In addition, some patients are unable to be removed from the home for treatment to start, so it is extremely important that they receive therapy in the comfort of their home, with the presence of family members or caregivers.

The techniques used for physical therapy at home by the best physiotherapist in Dwarka are, among the main ones: massage, gymnastics and specific exercises, treatments with hot or cold water and also with own equipment for rehabilitation, such as swings, balls, elastics, ultrasound, among others. All these possibilities are aimed at restoring health and promoting the rehabilitation of patients.

The Physiotherapy Centre in Dwarka has highly trained and trained professionals, ready to offer the best of physical therapy for the elderly, children, pregnant women, people with disabilities and other patients who need care in their own home.

Physical therapy at home provides the patient with:
  • Individual and specialized treatment
  • Convenience, convenience and well-being
  • Saving time and financial resources
  • Ease of adapting the home environment to the new needs of the patient
  • Acceleration of recovery
The Physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka is totally specialized in home physiotherapy, transforming the home of our patients into real rehabilitation clinics. For this, we have numerous equipment and devices so that the consultation at home is effective and brings the best results.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Importance of Motor Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation

The physiotherapy in Dwarka is one of the most popular branches as procedures association used to treat and prevent various types of injuries and illnesses in the human body is extremely important in all phases of human life, both in prevention and treatment of health problems. It can be performed in specialized physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka or at the patient's home, with all the convenience and ease.

The techniques applied in the physiotherapeutic sessions are varied, being combined and applied according to the specific needs of each patient, taking into account their age, type of injury, disease evolution or dysfunction, among other aspects.

The Advantages of Physical Therapy and Stimulation
The home physiotherapy in Dwarka is used both to prevent and to treat problems of the muscles, bones, joints and tendons of the body, especially in cases of fractures, surgeries and specific pathologies. The main advantages of this specialty are the recovery of the motor function and the relief of the common pains to the diverse medical frames related.

In prevention, the physiotherapist in Dwarka identifies and corrects postural, muscular and bone problems that can lead to serious future injuries.

The Treatment
In the treatment, several diseases are included, the main ones are
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI / DTS);
  • Herniated Disc;
  • Tendinitis;
  • Post-Fracture Recovery;
  • Postural Problems;
  • Ligaments, Neuromotor Dysfunctions;
  • Among Many Others.
Such treatments promote a substantial improvement in the patient's quality of life.

The techniques used for physiotherapy in Dwarka are combined and adapted according to the individual needs of the patient. Among the main ones are the massage, the specific exercises, treatments with water in alternating temperatures and also with own apparatuses.

Our Professionals
The Physiotherapy Centre in Dwarka has a team of highly trained and best physiotherapist in Dwarka, ready to offer the best for the total rehabilitation of children, adults, the elderly, people with special needs, and for any patient who needs professional care at home.

Objective of Home Physiotherapy
The home physiotherapy in Dwarka aims to restore the physical, personal and social patient, always in the comfort and convenience of their own homes with a humanized and personalized treatment and we spare no resources for the patient has a speedy recovery.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Geriatric Physiotherapy

The geriatric physiotherapy in Dwarka for this age group should be applied carefully, because it is such a specific phase. Both common problems at all ages and pathologies typical of this phase of our lives are potentially more common and can cause serious reflexes that require specific treatments.
With the advent of old age, there is a greater fragility of the individual to infections, cardiovascular diseases, tumors, osteoporosis, among others. That is why geriatric physiotherapy in Dwarka is a great ally for this moment of life.

The third age is the stage of life in which the reflexes of diseases and illnesses become more incisive on the health of patients.

Know the benefits of Geriatric Physiotherapy
Removing the probability of incapacity and providing quality of life are the main goals of preventive geriatric physiotherapy, because of the natural aging that affects the muscles, bones, and limbs of the body, in addition to internal organs, the tendency is that the movements and functionality is limited. In addition, prevention is important, since the treatment of diseases in this period is always a little more delicate. However, once illnesses arise or accidents happen, it is important to treat very carefully.

How Our Geriatric Physical Therapy Works
Physiotherapist in Dwarka for the elderly treats dysfunctions, with the aim of recovering movements or injuries in people with more advanced age. This type of treatment requires a high degree of professional specialization, in addition to an individual and specific treatment.

Objective of Home Physiotherapy
The home physiotherapy in Dwarka is essential for geriatric patients, especially those who are sick or injured, because of the difficulty and even the impossibility of movement and their displacement.
The Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka offers the best services of geriatric physiotherapy, counting on professionals fully qualified and with ample experience, everything so that the an elderly person has maximum comfort.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Home care service in physiotherapy

1.- Concept:
This physiotherapy services at home in Dwarka is aimed at major subsidiaries of a physiotherapeutic treatment as a consequence of the different pathological processes that occur in this vital stage and in the search for greater independence of the patient, individual.

Aging is a biological process that progressively deteriorates the mature organism in apparently healthy individuals. Physiotherapy in Dwarka is aimed at alleviating and delaying, as far as possible, this functional and physiological deterioration.

The general objective of home physiotherapy in Dwarka is convincing: to achieve a state of health in the 3 dimensions: 
·         Physical: treatment in physical capacity 
·         Psychic: concerns, motivation to therapy. 
·         Social: possibility of social relations (mobility, communication, motivation before other people)

2.- Objectives:
General objectives of home physiotherapist in Dwarka
·         Delay of physiological deterioration. 
·         Search for motivation and patient collaboration. 
·         Achieve the highest degree of independence in daily activities (washing, combing, going down stairs) and functionality, as well as social integration in their environment. 
·         Avoid hospital admissions and other more traumatic alternatives for the elderly.

Specific objectives of home physiotherapist in Janakpuri
To prevent deformities ("senile" stooped posture) and the pain derived from it 
·         To avoid muscle weakness as much as possible, as well as the feared osteoporosis avoiding sedentary attitudes 
·         To keep the joints in good condition. 
·         Maintain the maximum strength and muscular strength before intense exercises within the age of the patient 
Prevention and treatment of the alterations of the different systems done by physiotherapist in Dwarka are: 
  Digestive: constipation, etc. 
·         Circulatory: reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure 
·         Respiratory: improve respiratory capacity 
·         Genitourinary: treat urinary incontinence 
·         Others: sensitivity, intellect, sleep.

3.- Equipment and material needed:
·         Human resources: multidisciplinary team formed by the best physiotherapist in Dwarka, social workers, psychologists, etc. Fundamental family collaboration. 
·         Material resources
·         Dependency: address of the individual, in a place of this the best conditioning for therapy. 
·         Materials: stretcher, canes, bandages, electrotherapy equipment, dry heat systems.

4.- Considerations in the domiciliary treatment:

Consult the medical data of the person to be treated to determine the work intensities and our objective. 
·         Check pulse and tension periodically. 
·         Regular and constant physical activity. 
·         Do exercises that involve the movement of the person. 
·         Special care with injuries. 
·         Perseverance, tenacity and patience to achieve the desired goal.

5.- Subsidiary patients of physiotherapy in Dwarka:

Patients with respiratory problems (both acute and chronic): 
·         Improve their respiratory capacity. 
·         Make them capable of facing a somewhat greater effort at rest without leading to fatigue. 
·         Clean the respiratory system of secretions. 
·         Give health advice (no smoking, fresh air)

Patients with rheumatological processes and osteoarthritis following activities are done by physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka
·         Relaxing, toning and analgesic massage. 
·         Improve joints and muscles. 
·         Postural hygiene. 
·         Tips to avoid major consequences.

Patients with neurological problems (hemiplegia, stroke, paraplegia, PC, Parkinson's) 
·         Reeducate their nervous system 
·         Give them the greatest possible mobility and sensitivity 
·         Achieve the greatest functionality in the activities of daily life. 
·         Observe and control the support systems (prostheses, canes, wheelchairs) 
·         Check the neurologist's revisions to see their evolution.

Patients with problems of urinary incontinence: 
·         Prevent it in the case of signs of onset. 
·         Toning exercises. 
·         Advice and considerations to avoid it as much as possible. 
·         Psychological support.

Patients who perform a superior physical activity (sport) within the age in which they are: 
·         Treat possible injuries derived from the activity (sprains, contractures, fractures) 
·         Control the intensity of the exercise. 
·         Advise about the possible problems that sport involves in excess. 
·         Encourage this type of activity among the elderly.

Patients who have suffered a trauma (bone, muscle, nervous), following point should be considered by top physiotherapist in Dwarka
·         Prevent from the factors that can cause the trauma: falls, stairs. 
·         Favor the recovery of the trauma with the least possible pain. 
·         Take the patient to the state he was in before the trauma (as much as possible)

Patients with impairment of the intellect (Alzheimer's): 
·         Dynamize the person suffering from dementia, as it is confined due to communication difficulties. 
·         Help in the process of "new learning of the environment" 
·         Collaborate with the family in adapting the home to the needs of the person. 
·         Improve their degree of independence.

6.- Sessions - duration - follow-up:
The sessions of the treatment are one per day with a duration between one hour - hour and a half, which will depend on the abilities of the person treated (fatigue, physical condition, motivation, interest) and of the maneuvers carried out. 

The monitoring is carried out by home physiotherapist in Dwarka through a series of elements: 
·         Initial evaluation: here the initial state of the person is recorded (processes that afflicts, accompanying diseases, general physical state). Objectives are established. 
·         Follow-up report: progress is recorded and no progress is made towards achieving the goals. 
·         Report to the discharge: at the end of treatment the status of the person is established again.

7.- Clinical case: Parkinson's patient treated at home; 
This case is an example (already treated case) of the steps that would be followed:

Sessions: one every 2 days. 
·         Duration of the session: one hour- hour and a half (variable in this space) 
·         Displacement: medium tourism. 
·         Materials: portable stretcher, portable electrostimulation device - analgesia, infrared lamp. 

Practical advice for daily life: 
·         Get ​​out of bed. 
·         Personal hygiene 
·         Dressing 
·         Working in the kitchen. 
·         Eating 
·         Changes in bowel habits. 
·         Control tremor 
·         Walk
·         Talk 
·         Lie down 
·         Get ​​up off the ground 
·         Make activities as independent as possible. 
·         Change position in the bed.
·         Correct posture

To keep fit: 
·         Head and neck exercises. 
·         Exercises for shoulders. 
·         Breathing exercises. 
·         Exercises for hands. 
·         Exercises for feet. 
·         Exercises for legs.

Number of sessions: 10 sessions.
Improvements achieved: the patient manages to perform daily activities with greater independence, the tremor has decreased when moving and presents fewer difficulties when starting to walk. His motivation and mood is better because he is better able to fend for himself. He knows how to perform each exercise and is aware of the importance of these.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


It is a functional deficit of the shoulder called omalgia, painful shoulder and scapular humeral periarthritis. Tendonitis of the rotator cuff is a pathology due to overuse (repetitive movement) that causes pain and disability in the shoulder and upper arm. It is often called "impingement" or bursitis.

The vast majority of the time, the painful shoulder can be framed in:
  • Pain due to irradiation, of neurological, vascular, cardiological or intestinal origin.
  • Pains of articular and periarticular origin, including bursitis, tendinous pathologies (tendonitis and ruptures) and capsulitis.
Causes of this ailment can be jobs that require constant movements over the shoulder (signer, vinyler, painter, glazier, ...) or racquet sports (paddle, tennis), lifting weights, ...

Long sports workouts or repeated physical movements muscle-tendon groups can become inflamed. The result is: acute or chronic pain, local sensitivity and inability to
perform movements with the affected shoulder (dressing, driving, lifting things over the shoulder, ...).


What we are looking for with the treatment is to reduce the inflammation and later to distend and strengthen the muscles that make up the rotator cuff. Inflammation is usually controlled with rest, ice and oral medication (anti-inflammatories).

It is essential to reduce, avoid or modify the activity that has generated the ailment (decrease physical activity, avoid the type of movements that cause us pain, swim less distances or avoid service on the head in tennis).

Once the inflammation has been controlled, your physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka will probably prescribe a stretching and strengthening program. At the beginning of the strengthening program, the application of ice on the shoulder after the exercises may be helpful. Stretching exercises are performed before strength exercises to warm and distend the cuff muscles.

Physiotherapist in Dwarka advises to moderate the training sessions and schedule adequate rest periods between them to prevent tendonitis.

The preheating and stretching exercises and strength exercises are also components of prevention. Paying immediate attention to pain in the shoulder and upper arm during training or after a session can prevent a chronic problem. The treatment of symptoms in the shoulder should be started as soon as they start.


Stretching 1
Bring the affected member's hand to the opposite shoulder. Advance the shoulder slightly. You will experience a slight stretch in the affected shoulder.

Exercise 1
With your hand holding a dumbbell (thumb down), raise the extended arm to a 45ยบ angle or as far as pain allows.

Stretch 2
Place the affected arm on the head, with the elbow facing upwards, with the hand extended toward the back of the opposite shoulder. Slowly bring your elbow bent back. 

Exercise 2
This exercise can be done standing with a rubber band, or lying on the painful side with weights (see the drawing below). Begin with several repetitions of slow movements and progress with more weight or tension of the rubber.

Stretch 3
Bring the hand of the affected arm to the opposite shoulder. Advance the shoulder slightly. You should experience a certain stretch in the affected shoulder.

Exercise 3
Lie on a table with your elbow on the edge and your hand hanging, with a weight in your hand. Raise the weight parallel to the floor to the level of the table or head (keeping the back flat, without arching it). Raise the elbow towards the ceiling so that the shoulder blades are approached. Start with a small weight and increase progressively. Remember: the exercise must be slow and controlled. 

With this type of exercise and stretching, you may feel some discomfort, but you should not feel pain. These methods can work on their own or require the complementary use of physiotherapy in Dwarka (ultrasound, electrical stimulation, etc.). The surgical solution to the problem is usually posed, if the treatment described is unsuccessful.