Monday, March 8, 2021

Fibula fracture and physiotherapy treatment


Physiotherapy in Dwarka can treat fibula fractures to ensure better walking. It is important to treat this type of condition as soon as possible to ensure optimal results.

What is the fibula?

The fibula is a long bone in the leg, parallel to the tibia, which connects the knee to the foot. These two bones are similar, although the fibula is much thinner.

Fractures of the fibula are sometimes associated with fractures of the tibia, but some injuries are unique to them. The isolated fracture of the external malleolus of the fibula is caused by a force that brings the foot into abduction (lateral deviation of the forefoot) and external rotation (eversion of the foot) causing an impact between the external malleolus (fibula). and the embankment.

The deltoid ligament located medially to the ankle can also be damaged, making the fracture unstable, explains the Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Signs and symptoms of a fibula fracture

The fibula fracture usually presents with complete inability to weight the affected limb due to pain, localized pain in the external malleolus, swelling that appears quickly, bruising / bruising, and significant loss of muscle mass. amplitude in all movements at the ankle. A deformation (misalignment) can sometimes be visible. Morning stiffness may be reported due to swelling and increased pain during the night (inflammatory process), states the Best Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Physiotherapy treatments

After the intervention of a doctor to ensure the reduction and immobilization of the fractured bone (plaster / splint / surgery), physiotherapy in Dwarka is essential to recover from a fractured fibula.

During immobilization, physiotherapy treatment in Dwarka aims to control edema and pain, avoid complications (thrombophlebitis, complex regional pain syndrome, etc.), protect the ankle by not being loaded, maintain the amplitudes of hip and knee muscle movement and strength, ensure a safe walking pattern, maintain the person’s autonomy in transfers and movements, and maintain good cardiovascular condition.

After immobilization (period of approximately 2 months), the physiotherapist can begin the rehabilitation of the affected limb while respecting the contraindications and precautions issued by the orthopedist. Different modalities can be used: advice on activity dosage, pain and inflammation management, use of a walking accessory; modalities to reduce pain and edema and promote the healing process; teaching flexibility, mobility, strengthening, motor control and weight-bearing exercises; manual orthopedic and soft tissue therapy techniques; correcting the pattern of walking and on the stairs.

Recovery from a fibula fracture typically takes three to four months, after which it is possible to walk and walk up and down stairs normally, says the Physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

Predisposed people

Although anyone can suffer a fibula fracture from some type of trauma, many people are more prone to it. Older people may be, as may people with osteoporosis or osteopenia, using steroids or drugs that decrease bone density over a long period of time, or having a history of ankle sprains or strains, other ankle or foot injuries, says the Physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar.

Athletes may also be at greater risk of being affected by fibula fractures. If necessary, the sports physiotherapy services offered at Physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka can help relieve these injuries during the practice of a sport at the recreational or professional level.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Benefits of Physiotherapy Following the Removal of a Cast


Following a fracture, it is often necessary to immobilize the affected part of the body for a few weeks. When removing the cast or the splint, what a relief to find your freedom! However, we quickly notice that the affected limb no longer has its appearance and its level of function before: how to make it recover completely? Physiotherapy in Dwarka can help complete healing of bone and adjacent structures, helping you reach your goals and resume your favourite activities.

The stages of healing of a fracture

Following a bone injury, there are usually several stages of healing. The first phase lasts a few days during which there is presence of inflammation at the site of injury. Then the second phase begins a few days after the fracture and lasts a few weeks. New bone is then formed to join the parts that were separated by the fracture line. At the end of this phase, the bone regains its. The immobilization is removed when the bone has regained enough strength to prevent the broken fragments from separating again. On the other hand, the remodelling phase, where the bone gradually regains its normal appearance, can last several months, or even a year! So, there are still bone changes even after the cast has been removed.


Not using any part of the body for a few weeks is necessary for the bone to heal in a proper position but has several detrimental effects on the structures around. Muscles, in particular, lose volume and strength, and may become stiff due to their immobility. This results in a decrease in strength, endurance, and mobility of the healing limb. This is where physiotherapy in Dwarka can help.


During your first appointment at physiotherapy centre in Dwarka, the physiotherapist in Dwarka will do a complete evaluation not only of the affected limb but also of the adjacent joints, while paying attention to ensure that there are no complications during healing. Among other things, he could measure ranges of motion and assess muscle strength, depending on what is allowed with the stage of healing.

Among the possible interventions, there are different types of mobilizations, carried out by the physiotherapist in Dwarka or by the patient himself, which will be used to gradually regain the normal mobility of the affected limb. Gradual stretching and strengthening exercises adapted to the stage of healing will also be taught. Different advice, especially on pain and swelling management, will be given by the physiotherapist in Janakpuri to help you better manage these inconveniences. As you heal, the exercises will become more and more targeted depending on the activities and sports you want to resume. Physiotherapy in Dwarka can help achieve your goals and return to your active lifestyle so that this fracture is just a bad memory!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Physiotherapy is one of the basic treatments to help improve the quality of life of patients with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by considerably alleviating the symptoms of the disease. It can be of great importance in controlling the pain that these pathologies cause to patients and in addressing most of the pathologies that may appear associated.

On the other hand, thanks to this specialty, it is possible for the patient to significantly reduce the pharmacological treatment that at first is essential to relieve their pain. This is of enormous benefit, since these long-term treatments can lead to problems of a very diverse nature and severity (as an example, mentioning the harmful long-term effects that anti-inflammatories produce on the stomach and liver).

Objectives of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Service

The main objective of Physiotherapy in Dwarka is undoubtedly to improve the quality of life of people affected by FM and / or CFS.

To do this, we work on:

  • Improve the conditions of patients to carry out their activities of daily living
  • To alleviate the pain of patients as much as possible.
  • Improve the physical capabilities of patients.
  • Improve the psychological state of patients by promoting adequate physical activity and performing exercises.
  • Improve postural hygiene of those affected.
  • Inform patients about the pathology they suffer.

Treatment Methods and Techniques: The Patient-Physiotherapist Work

Spine and stretching table –

They are a series of gentle and progressive exercises and stretches that seek to improve the physical condition, mobility, and muscle tone of patients.

Given that not all members have the same physical condition or the same associated problems, performing the exercises in the table is valued in each case.

They are performed both in groups twice a week in the Association, as well as individually, in which case the physiotherapist in Dwarka prescribes the exercises individually to be carried out on their own, according to the needs of each patient. Part of these individual exercises, especially those aimed at improving the patient’s aerobic capacity, are offered to be carried out in the Gymnasium that the Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka has.

Hydrotherapy –

Twice a week, a series of exercises for muscle toning, stretching and relaxation are performed in a hot pool (approx 25ÂșC).

Two enormous advantages of working in the water are the muscle relaxation that occurs in this environment and the fact of being able to perform exercises that would not be possible out of the water.

Individual session

Individual sessions of an approximate duration of 1 hour are also held. During these sessions, the individualized assessment of each patient is made possible, and the adaptation of the appropriate treatment to each case to get the maximum benefits from it.

The techniques used are:

  • Mechanotherapy: it will take place during the hours in which patients come to the physiotherapy service to use the different treatment devices available to the Association. Each indication is evaluated by the professional, and subjected to regular monitoring.
  • Thermotherapy: thermotherapy is the use of heat as a therapeutic means. This technique can be used to reduce muscle contracture, activate circulation, improve muscle tone and prepare the muscles for the application of other techniques.
  • Ultrasound: it is a very suitable technique for the treatment of FM, since the high frequency waves penetrate to the muscle, achieving a double effect: the thermal, and the micromassage that produce the waves in the part where it is applied.
  • Electrotherapy (TENS): the use of electrical currents in FM can achieve both an increase in strength and muscle tone, and a decrease in pain.

Strengthening techniques

  • Massotherapy: consists of the use of massage with a healing purpose. Among other techniques, rubbing, rubbing, kneading, lymphatic drainage, myofascial technique and manual tractions are used to improve the patient’s condition.
  • Kinesitherapy: is the use of movement as a therapeutic means. The mobilizations can be active, passive or resisted, depending on the case.
  • Cryotherapy: it is the treatment of choice in some associated pathologies that present with inflammation.
  • Postural hygiene seminars: these seminars try to correct the bad habits adopted during the activities of daily life, which are causing or aggravating many of the musculoskeletal problems that patients suffer.
  • They try to teach good postural hygiene habits, showing the best postures to carry out daily activities (scrubbing, ironing, washing, carrying loads, …) These seminars are made available to anyone who requests it.
  • Home treatment: Physiotherapy Service also performs home care work in order to offer treatment and try to reduce the symptoms of patients when they cannot go to the Association due to an acute phase of the disease.

In these sessions manual therapies are used fundamentally.

Monitoring of the Patient in Coordination with other Professionals

When a patient attends the physiotherapy service in Dwarka, a diagnostic-therapeutic unification is carried out between the different professionals who deal with his problem: in order to obtain an idea of ​​the degree of disability to which the person affected by the pathology he suffers may be subjected, The professional collects all those data that may influence the general state of the person (plates and reports from other professionals that provide information on possible associated pathologies, symptoms, physical capacity, how they carry out activities of daily living,…).

After conducting a physical examination and evaluating the data collected, Physiotherapist in Janakpuri develops an appropriate treatment plan for each patient, setting goals to achieve.

The main objective of treatment is always to improve the quality of life of the patient, choosing the appropriate intervention methods and techniques in each case.

To make possible an adequate follow-up of the evolution of the disease in each patient and that he can get the maximum benefit from the treatment, the physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar regularly re-evaluates all the data described above and reflects the impressions of other specialists that may be of interest for the treatment of the patient (multidisciplinary treatment).

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Physiotherapy, Magic for the Body


Physiotherapy is a discipline of health that can provide a large number of benefits for the body. In the most natural way possible, without the use of drugs, physiotherapists are able to propose and provide various treatments.

The body exercises, mobilizes muscles essential for its proper functioning, relaxes parts that are in tension or injured. Get a notable improvement by recovering its correct functionality.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka has proven its usefulness in the treatment of multiple ailments, both chronic and acute. It has shown that, through the use of various manual techniques, the performance of various therapeutic exercises and the application of massages with heat and cold or even electricity, the desired response of the body can be achieved, leading to alleviating the symptoms caused by certain alterations, explains the physiotherapist in Dwarka.


One of the most important elements that are part of the human body are the nerves. These are responsible for carrying information from the brain to certain organs, so that they perform a certain function or from said organs to the brain itself, to report any situation. They are carriers of the information necessary for the complex machine that is the body to function like a clock. If these information carriers stop doing their job, a pathology called neuropathy appears.

But what is neuropathy? It is a relatively common disease and can be due to damage to a single nerve or a group of nerve. Understanding what neuropathy is and how it affects us is vitally important to find a solution to this problem, says the best physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Physiotherapy consultation

Our body is a perfect machine where everything is connected. The malfunction of a part of it causes an alteration that can make the simplest tasks complicated. Thus, if the nerves stop performing their function correctly, the muscles are affected, they stop responding as they should, and the simple act of walking can be a problem. Obviously, performing treatments that improve the function of these muscles will lead to alleviating these symptoms and recovering a normal life.

Causes and symptoms of neuropathy

Defining the causes and symptoms of neuropathy can help you learn more about this disorder. There are many causes that can cause this type of alteration of the nervous system. Sometimes it is very difficult to know an exact cause, and there may also be hereditary cases of neuropathy.

One of the most common causes that can be attributed to poor nervous system function is diabetes. In this case, this alteration is known as diabetic neuropathy. High levels of sugar in the blood cause nerve damage, a situation that leads to diabetic neuropathy.

Basically, the symptoms that the body presents when affected by neuropathy are tingling or burning in the arms and legs. Loss of sensation is another neuropathic symptom, causing numbness to heat, cold, or even pain. Likewise, this numbness leads to a loss of control of foot movement, causing loss of balance. As a result, certain relatively simple actions can become a real ordeal, since the muscles of the body cannot be controlled, even presenting problems in the digestion of food in some cases.

Today, there are various treatments for this type of pathology. One of the most interesting that appears as a very useful alternative is physical rehabilitation. There are many benefits of physiotherapy in the treatment of various diseases and its use in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system has emerged as a very effective way to relieve the pain that it can cause.

Benefits of Physiotherapy

One of the most noted benefits of physiotherapy in Dwarka is that it allows the body to maintain mobility and strength regardless of the cause that has caused its deterioration. The physical rehabilitation that this discipline of health provides, improves the functions of movement, achieves progressive stretching and strengthening of the muscles so that they can develop their function correctly, favors the balance of the body by providing stability and avoiding falls, improves posture, achieves the pain relief in certain parts of the body, etc.

Exercising the body is one of the most effective therapies that exist, it provides a great number of advantages and benefits. The rehabilitation techniques that a physiotherapist in Janakpuri applies are an excellent help to prevent, treat and in many cases achieve a complete recovery from injuries or ailments, getting an organism altered by some pathology back on track.

Patients with neurological disorders caused by cerebrovascular accidents, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, can achieve a significant improvement in their symptoms through exercises and rehabilitation techniques applied by a professional physiotherapist in Dwarka, improving the sensitivity of the extremities, re-education muscle, improvement of gait or balance, among others.

Friday, February 19, 2021



It is no secret that physiotherapists in Dwarka are of great importance for the treatment and prevention of diseases or injuries to the human body. In other words, its function is to rehabilitate patients and help maintain their well-being.

Usually, physiotherapy in Dwarka takes place in offices, clinics and hospitals. What many people do not know is that there is the possibility of opting for home physiotherapy in Dwarka, which is a great resource for those who have some kind of mobility difficulties.

However, there are other benefits involved in this process. Do you know what they are? Follow the text below to know the main advantages of receiving a home physiotherapist in Dwarka!

  1. Reduction of risks

Although not all cases exist, there are many patients who are in delicate situations – which tends to create a risky context of locomotion. For example, having to leave home regularly for treatment increases the chances of falling and other problems that may happen on the way.

In addition, we all know that health facilities offer the risk of the presence of infectious agents to those who travel through these places, even if hygiene measures are maintained at all times. In this case, avoiding hospital infection is a great preventive solution.

  1. Greater chance of accelerating recovery

An individualized treatment favors the patient’s recovery in several ways. The home physiotherapist in Dwarka manages to pay more attention, the family support makes all the difference and the tranquility of being at home is also a privilege. All of these issues guarantee security for whoever is being treated, including an emotional or psychological comfort that usually motivates the results.

  1. Comfort and convenience for the patient

We cannot deny that, along with the reduction of risks, we need to consider that the convenience of home physiotherapy in Dwarka is an enormous benefit. Even for those who do not go through a serious situation, being served at home is synonymous with comfort, practicality, time optimization and even savings (especially for transportation expenses).

The home physiotherapist in Dwarka takes charge of bringing all the equipment and accessories necessary to carry out the treatment, while the patient continues to enjoy the warmth of his own home. After the programmed activities are over, he can return to his normal routine instantly and without major difficulties. Nowadays, this is a sign of quality of life that cannot fail to be considered as a very interesting alternative, isn’t it?

  1. Time flexibility

In many cases, the patient is unable to fit into the conventional hours of attendance at a Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka – mainly because he has other appointments or perhaps because he does not have someone available to accompany him in the consultation.

Thus, home physiotherapy in Dwarka (known as home care) offers this facility to make sessions more flexible by combining with the professional the best days and times for both.

Our last tip is to find a qualified Physiotherapist in Delhi to offer this type of service.

So, what did you think about knowing the biggest benefits of home physiotherapy in Dwarka? If you have any questions on the subject, you can contact us.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Benefits of Physical Therapy or Rehabilitation at Home


Today, life expectancy is increasing, so we find ourselves with an increasingly long-lived population. And, therefore, there are more and more cases of dependents. For this reason, on many occasions, families, faced with the situation of not knowing how to take care of their loved ones, can resort to the possibility of taking their relative to a Residence. Or, that they receive all the care in their own home. What we call Home Rehabilitation.

In either of these two cases, Physiotherapy in Dwarka is a very important section to improve and increase your quality of life.

It is important to note that the role or goal of a home physiotherapist in Dwarka goes far beyond a simple massage, as some still think today.

Sometimes, we have questions or doubts related to Rehabilitation or Home Physiotherapy in Dwarka. The most frequent are usually:

When is it necessary to perform Home Rehabilitation?

Physiotherapy or Home Rehabilitation may be considered necessary when the patient has a pathology or injury that prevents or makes it impossible to travel to our Clinic. And the patient needs this treatment to achieve recovery.

Who is Physiotherapy at home oriented or directed to?

Anyone can make use of Home Rehabilitation. Both an elderly patient and a young person. Due to different causes, injuries or pathologies they are obliged to stay at home.

What injuries or pathologies do patients who need Home Rehabilitation usually present?

Patients who call the home physiotherapist in Dwarka requesting this type of services usually have or present a wide variety of pathologies.

Next, we can name some of the most common:

  • Those that are related to some type of neurological injury. For example, Multiple Sclerosis, Hemiplegia, Hemiparesis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), etc.
  • When age-specific pathologies occur. They can be Senile Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.
  • When there are pathologies or traumatic injuries. For example: hip or knee replacement, hip fractures or any other bone or area of ​​the body, etc.
  • When the patient presents some trauma or blow of significant intensity. For example: a traffic accident.
  • To prevent or rehabilitate any type of sports injury.
  • Or, simply, on those occasions that the patient does not have time to travel to the Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka and needs some type of Rehabilitation Treatment.

Is it possible to recover properly by doing home rehabilitation?

It is evident that our home physiotherapist in Dwarka cannot transfer all the material that is possessed in the Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka. For example, an Ultrasound or Magnetic Fields. But they carry the tools or equipment which are necessary for the rehabilitation.

Even so, most of physiotherapy are carried out with Manual Therapies. In other words, in all the Treatments physiotherapist in Dwarka always use their hands as a fundamental working tool.

Therefore, it is not a fundamental or priority condition, since there are many advantages of receiving Home Physiotherapy in Dwarka. In addition, for many patients it has become a totally essential service.

Benefits of Home Rehabilitation Treatments

Once the most frequent questions or doubts that the patient may have have been discussed, we are going to name the main benefits of performing Home Physiotherapy in Dwarka or Rehabilitation at Home. There are many, but we are going to point out the most outstanding benefits:

❖ The most significant or the most important is the ease of receiving this type of service from the comfort of your home.

❖ This type of treatment provides the patient with a quick service, without having to alter or vary their daily routine.

The home physiotherapist in Dwarka are aware that on many occasions due to schedules, or lack of time or due to problems and / or difficulties in mobility, our patients cannot attend our Consultation. Therefore, receiving treatment or performing Rehabilitation at home is a perfect and comfortable solution for the patient.

❖ It will allow to offer patients, who have reduced mobility, to carry out their Rehabilitation. The goal is to achieve a quick recovery and improve your physical capacity.

❖ Allows patients to recover. Providing the pertinent rest that the Doctor has prescribed.

❖ The home physiotherapist in Dwarka will know first-hand the environment in which the patient lives. With this to be able to advise you in a more concrete way, on the most appropriate habits to carry out your day to day. This will help the patient to recover faster.

❖ On some occasions, the home physiotherapist in Dwarka meet patients who are elderly or have suffered some type of Neurological Injury (such as an STROKE).

In these cases, Home Rehabilitation offers advantages that are very important, such as:

1.- The patient feels comfortable when performing the Rehabilitation. Since, it is in its usual and familiar environment.

2.- Being in a familiar environment, you will not be disoriented.

3.- The Physiotherapist will be in permanent contact with the family members, indicating the great advances that the patient makes. And even on many occasions when the family member is there, the home physiotherapist in Dwarka can indicate and teach a series of guidelines so that the patient’s recovery is much faster and more effective.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Importance of home physiotherapy after surgery


The physiotherapy services at home in Dwarka is quite normal today. It is particularly useful in conditions where the patient is seriously injured or is unable to attend a clinic. In such situations, the home physiotherapist in Dwarka visits the patient’s home for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Everything from patient health issues and treatment goals to the actual physical therapy process takes place in your home. What are the benefits of this technique?

Improves mobility and recovery from surgery

For patients who are unable to go to a physiotherapy centre in Dwarka after major surgery, physical therapy at home may be a necessity, either short-term or for a longer period of time. The home physiotherapist in Dwarka may come to the patient’s home to continue specialized care that began in the hospital setting.

When we talk about post-surgical rehabilitation, we are not referring exclusively to the rehabilitation that must be done after the operation after an injury to the musculoskeletal system (menisci, ligaments, tendons, bone fractures, etc.). Rather, we are talking about the rehabilitation that must be done after any operation.

Whether it has been accompanied by immobilization, prolonged bedtime or simply pain that worsens the quality of life of the patient, thus reducing their physical activity.

Why is it important to do rehabilitation after surgery?

Perhaps more importance is given to home physiotherapy in Dwarka, after surgery of the musculoskeletal system. This type of injury is always accompanied by pain that makes the patient unconscious. Sometimes it may be necessary to immobilize the area. Causing a loss of muscle mass and a hardening of the joint capsule of the muscles and joints involved.

This results in a loss of mobility and flexibility. If immobilization is necessary after surgery, this will be more accentuated, and it will be necessary to recover little by little with home physiotherapy in Dwarka.

Rehabilitation with immobilization

Whether or not there is immobilization after surgery, rehabilitation should be done. This will be focused on reducing pain, reducing inflammation, improving power, endurance, coordination and muscle flexibility. In the event that it is necessary, recover the joint range of the affected joints.

Even so, we must not underestimate the importance of post-surgical rehabilitation after any type of operation that requires prolonged bed-rest, whether or not it is related to the musculoskeletal system.

A person who spends a lot of time in bed, apart from loss of muscle mass and joint stiffness. Cardiovascular problems and problems in the respiratory system can also appear. These, with a good rehabilitation program, can reduce the risk of other more serious complications. As it can be: a thrombophlebitis, a deep vein thrombosis, or lung infections such as pneumonia.

And we cannot forget that after surgery there is always a scar. Which we must treat in post-surgical rehabilitation. A scar can create adhesions between tissues, preventing these tissues from sliding against each other and losing mobility. These adhesions will cause us to have itching, hypersensitivity in the area, a tingling sensation and / or a feeling of tightness. There are rehabilitation techniques that can release these adhesions such as massage by home physiotherapist in Dwarka.


After surgery, what the patient wants is to return to normality as soon as possible. Therefore, a good rehabilitation treatment plan, according to the needs of each patient, is essential to achieve this.

Bed rest makes the risk of pain prolonged. Therefore, as long as the surgeon discharges you, it is important that you begin home physiotherapy in Dwarka as soon as possible. And in the event that a prolonged bed rest is needed. A bedside rehabilitation plan should be established to reduce the risks of prolonged bedridden.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021



Spinal operations are always a delicate procedure that requires a prior preparation time and whose post-operative period should always be supervised by a doctor and a physiotherapist in Dwarka to verify that everything has gone well and that the patient can regain his motor skills. the best possible way and smoothly. Since it is the main axis that supports the motor apparatus, it is very important to know how to recover from a spinal operation. Below we give you all the keys so that you can follow the recovery process by yourself, always with the help of physiotherapy in Dwarka. There are other more modern surgical techniques, whose main difference is that they are minimally invasive, so recovery is easier and with fewer complications.


The most common back pain is those that originate from poor posture, especially in the office or at our workplace. These types of injuries especially affect the lumbar discs and if not treated in time they can lead to more serious problems such as herniated disc, which in turn can lead to sciatica, a sharp pain that spreads through the legs.

Likewise, there are degenerative problems that are among the most common causes of back pain, such as canal stenosis, that is, a narrowing of the spine that takes place especially in the cervical or lumbar spine. This is due to a progressive degeneration that causes numbness, imbalance and muscle weakness. On the other hand, there may be certain cases in which the pain originates from a contusion rather than degeneration, such as whiplash, a very common consequence after a car accident and which is due to a sudden movement of the body, head.

Many of these problems and injuries can be solved with a spinal fusion, that is, a major surgery that joins or fuses two or more vertebrae. Lumbar arthrodesis is quite common, which operates on the lower back and requires a bone graft – taken from the pelvic bone or from a bone bank – as well as metal implants to hold the vertebrae together.


After the surgery, and only once you have been discharged by your doctor, the recovery process will begin, bearing in mind that, having undergone arthrodesis, this time can vary from 4 weeks, in young patients, up to 6 months in older people.

Rehabilitation exercises for a lumbar arthrodesis operation

Our physiotherapists in Dwarka are often faced with post-operative recovery cases and will guide and supervise you throughout the journey with manual therapy and rehabilitation exercises. One of the most common is the mobilization of the dorsal vertebrae, combined with analgesic treatments by controlled currents, as well as massage therapies – known as therapeutic massages – in the involved muscles.

How long does it take to recover from herniated disc surgery?

If, on the other hand, you have undergone a herniated disc operation, the recovery time before starting your rehabilitation is 2 to 4 weeks after the intervention, and, although the therapies do not vary much from those recommended in lumbar arthrodesis, the exercises will be focused on inhabiting our body to maintain a correct posture on a day-to-day basis, explains the physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

Rehabilitation exercises for lumbar canal stenosis

Finally, in the case of rehabilitation after a lumbar stenosis operation, physiotherapy in Janakpuri should begin a couple of months after the intervention. The most common exercises to treat this pathology are those in which lumbar flexion intervenes or those that require strength and elasticity, to re-habit our muscles, helping us to recover after surgery.

Thursday, January 21, 2021



Meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries. Normally, treatment is opted for by surgery, however, there are conservative treatments with physiotherapy in Dwarka, which speed up recovery times and work on strengthening the patient's joint.


Meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries, especially among athletes. It is caused by a break or tear in the fibrocartilage, which acts as a cushion between the tibia and the femur, known as the meniscus.

The meniscus has a fundamental function in the knee joint, since it helps to distribute the weight in the joint and directly affects its stability.

Causes of a torn meniscus

Depending on the factor that causes the meniscus tear, there are different causes, however, they all have a common factor and, generally, the tear occurs after a sudden movement of the knee.

In the first place, degenerative causes can be differentiated, in this case, the meniscus tear is produced by cartilage wear, which is usually common in patients with degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. These tears are common in the elderly.

On the other hand, traumatic breaks are differentiated, which are produced by an impact. And, finally, mechanical breaks, which are due to poor posture or arrangement of the joint, which causes it to malfunction. These types of breaks are more common among athletes.

Symptoms of a torn meniscus

The symptoms of a torn meniscus are very characteristic. First of all, it is common for the patient to have pain in the area which, in many cases, is accompanied by inflammation.

In addition, patients tend to present joint immobility and weakness, which prevents them, in many cases, from carrying out normal activities, even walking in some cases.

Treatments for torn meniscus

Once a meniscus tear has been diagnosed, the most common is that the patient is prescribed an anti-inflammatory treatment, with the aim of reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

In some cases, the patient needs to undergo surgery, in which the entire meniscus can be removed, or, in other cases, a torn meniscus is sutured.


One of the most effective treatments for meniscus tears and fractures is physical therapy, which can be applied at different times. In some cases, the tear is treated primarily with physical therapy in Dwarka, to prevent the patient from undergoing surgery. In the cases in which the patient is intervened, a post-surgery physiotherapy treatment is performed by the physiotherapist in Dwarka to rehabilitate the joint.

Physiotherapy treatment in Janakpuri has numerous benefits, since it strengthens the joint, preventing its chronification, in addition, it contributes to the recovery of mobility and pain relief.

Physical therapy techniques for torn meniscus

Physiotherapy treatment focuses on exercises to regain strength and stability of the joint, with the aim that the patient can regain their usual activities. In addition, physiotherapy treatment tries to avoid sedentary lifestyle, so that the patient does not lose muscle capacity, explains the physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Some of the techniques used in physiotherapy are the release of adhesions from the joint tissues and draining massages for evacuation and reabsorption of the inflammatory fluid.

In addition, in some cases electrostimulation is applied to reduce pain and inflammation. Through patches placed on the patient's joint, electrical impulses are generated, with the aim of restoring the mobility of muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and that the patient recovers muscle tone in a short period of time.

Physiotherapy treatments are recommended, because they work to strengthen the joint and restore mobility. For this, it is important that the physiotherapist in Janakpuri study the patient's case and design a table of exercises adapted to the characteristics of the patient.

Physiotherapy exercises for torn meniscus

As mentioned, physiotherapy in Dwarka prevents the patient from losing muscle tone. It focuses on increasing muscle strength and proprioceptive exercises to work balance, that is, those exercises that stimulate nerve receptors found in the muscles and joints.

In addition, in many cases, gait reeducation is carried out, with the aim of correcting those postures that imply forced positions for the joints and that can cause the patient to relapse into the injury.


As explained, physiotherapy treatments in cases of meniscus tear show very good results in patients. In addition, they are as effective as surgery and recovery times are shorter.

In addition, physiotherapy in Delhi focus on strengthening the joint, which ensures that the patient does not lose muscle tone, and can almost fully recover their usual activities.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Physiotherapy, The Best Solution For Muscle Injuries

The hard daily work, household chores, poor postural hygiene, sedentary life, injuries or fractures, or illnesses, gradually strain our back, to the point of leaving us totally useless, and totally sore, and if not treated in time, these injuries may become chronic. From that moment on, it is practically irreversible.

Physiotherapy in Dwarka is presented as well as the best solution to soothe pain, control the injury and prevent its development. In a second moment, it will attend to the recovery of the movement and natural strength of the muscles and finally, the total recovery of the patient is achieved. 

Physiotherapy in Janakpuri is the most effective technique to respond to problems arising from an injury or some type of dysfunction, which also makes the patient involved, in order to increase its effectiveness.

Physical therapy not only manages to eliminate pain, but also identify the damage, correct it and prevent it. And that's what they do at physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka. Among the diagnostic tests used by the physiotherapist in Dwarka is manual muscle, electrical, perceptual and sensory, and the measurement of the mobility arc of the joints. Functional activity tests are important for determining patients' ability to perform self-care activities.

In the treatment of a patient, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri should use one or more of the following procedures: E.P.I (intratissue percutaneous electrostimulation ), Ultrasounds, Electrotherapy, Electroacupuncture, Masotherapy, Mobilizations, Magnetotherapy, Ultrasound. But also, at physiotherapy centre in Dwarka they have Electrolysis, a treatment that is specifically applied at the site of the injury. Effectiveness is high compared to conventional physiotherapy treatments (ultrasound, laser, Cyriax technique, diacutaneous fibrolysis, shock waves, etc.) or medical (drugs, infiltrations or surgery). The relapse rate is low.

The benefits of physical therapy
  • Soothe the pain.
  • Increases muscle strength and mobility.
  • Improves flexibility.
  • Prevents and controls physical deterioration.
  • Improves the basic functions of the organism.
  • It offers a pleasant feeling of well-being.
  • Contributes to the proper functioning of the joints.
  • Prevents injuries from regular sports practice
  • Helps in recovery after an accident, trauma or major surgery.
  • Improves problems related to bones, joints or soft tissues.
  • Improves neural activity
  • Protects the heart and respiratory conditions
  • Promotes blood circulation
The most commonly used techniques by physiotherapist in Delhi
  • Manual therapy: massage techniques help relieve muscle stiffness and pain, while stimulating blood flow in the area to be treated
  • Aquatic therapy: the use of hydrotherapy is very effective in solving certain types of injuries.
  • Taping, bandages and splints.
  • Exercise prescription: stretching, strengthening, balance.
  • Respiratory techniques.
  • Postural re-education.