Saturday, October 22, 2022


Sexuality is an essential part of the identity of each human being, being described as an individual expression of feelings, thoughts, beliefs and desires. It is influenced by biological, psychological and social elements that interact with each other, conditioning the characteristics of each individual in a varied way throughout their lives.

When talking about sexuality, reference is not made only to sex, other points are also covered, such as identity and gender role, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, eroticism, intimacy and reproduction, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

What is sexual health?

Sexual health represents a fundamental pillar in terms of the well-being and integral development of each human being, their relationships and their social expression. Enjoying good sexual health requires an environment that provides respect, freedom and security. The correct development and sexual practice in men and women depends on fundamental points such as the following:

  • Access to information for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and infections
  • Education about the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, teenage pregnancies and abortions
  • Availability of sexual health care services
  • Education and access to contraceptive methods, their forms of use and adverse effects on the body
  • Safe environment that promotes acceptance and sexual well-being

For its part, it is important to clarify that sexology is the science responsible for the study and investigation of everything that encompasses human sexuality and its manifestations, as well as the alterations that represent a problem in the sexual field.

What is a sexual dysfunction?

The term sexual dysfunction refers to any type of recurring problem that hinders or prevents sexual activity, and can generate feelings of anxiety, stress or affect the quality of life of an individual and their personal relationships, says sexologist in Delhi.

The origin of a sexual dysfunction is not necessarily conditioned to an alteration in the structures involved, since, as mentioned above, there are multiple elements that participate in this complex process, such as sexual enjoyment and pleasure. The factors that can trigger sexual dysfunction are subdivided into:

  • Physical factors: Many health conditions and diseases have a direct impact on the sexual sphere. Heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis and injuries of neurological origin stand out among these.
  • Organic factors: In women, the hormonal changes associated with menopause produce a decrease in the sensitivity of the genital area, which can reduce the level of sexual desire and arousal. During the postpartum stage and lactation there are also a large number of hormonal changes that can cause variations in sexual response such as vaginal dryness.
  • Psycho-emotional factors: Anxiety, depression or stress are the main factors that favor the appearance of sexual dysfunction, as well as trauma related to cases of sexual assault or abuse. Conflicts in couple relationships also favor the appearance of sexual dysfunction.
  • Socio-cultural factors: Extreme religious beliefs, taboo and restrictive sex education can also negatively affect an individual's sexuality.

In most cases, the origin of a sexual dysfunction is not due to one of these groups of factors, but on the contrary, it is common for them to coexist causing a problem of multifactorial origin, says sexologist in Delhi.

Risk factors for sexual dysfunctions

Some of the risk factors that can increase the risk of sexual dysfunction are:

  • Use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • Certain drug treatments such as hypertension medications or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Bad nutrition
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Aging

It is estimated that around 40-60% of women suffer from some sexual dysfunction throughout their lives. Female sexual dysfunctions can be classified into different disorders that are characterized by affecting different stages of the sexual act, such as:

  • Disorders of sexual arousal or desire
  • orgasm disorders
  • Genital-pelvic pain disorders during penetration

In the case of the male sex, it is estimated that around 40% of men may present sexual dysfunction throughout their lives, the most frequent being premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

The approach to sexual dysfunction varies depending on the origin of the problem and must be carried out by a team of multidisciplinary professionals made up of specialists in the areas of sexologist in Delhi, psychology, kinesiology, psychiatry, gynecology and urology.

What is physiosexology and what is it for?

Physio-sexology is a branch of urogynecological physiotherapy or pelvic floor physiotherapy that focuses on the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of dysfunctions that can occur in the sexual field and erotic function in both female and male people.

How are sexual dysfunctions treated by physical therapy?

The participation of physiotherapist in Dwarka in the field of sexology focuses on addressing pain, changes in sensitivity, muscle weakness, decreased or increased muscle tone, postural imbalances and decreased or loss of mobility in the pelvic region.

In sexology the role of the physiotherapist in Dwarka, in the prevention and approach of sexual dysfunctions, is carried out mainly through:

  • External and internal consultation therapies
  • Application of techniques with the use of dilators, vibrators, electrostimulation, laser, dry needling, biofeedback, shock waves, diathermy, among others.
  • Patient education about affective-sexual aspects and their relationship with pain
  • Patient advice on hygiene measures
  • Education in self-treatment techniques, partner techniques and different erotic-sexual approaches

How to identify when I should go for a consultation?

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Leakage of urine or stool
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Lack of sexual desire and anorgasmia

Main dysfunctions of sexual origin

There are multiple dysfunctions in both women and men that can alter the functioning of one or more of the elements that participate in everything that encompasses sexual activity. Among the main dysfunctions of sexual origin that can be addressed by physiotherapist in Delhi are the following:


Dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse is a disorder that affects women, regardless of their age and sexual orientation, and is usually associated with a variety of causes, both physical and emotional. Dyspareunia usually generates varied symptoms depending on the case, among which the lack of vaginal lubrication, burning, bleeding, pain when urinating and anxiety prior to intercourse can be highlighted.

Among the most frequent causes associated with dyspareunia, the postpartum recovery stage, lactation, the presence of urine infections or vaginal infection, menopause, hysterectomy and the consumption of some pharmacological treatments stand out.

Urinary and fecal incontinence:

According to urologist in Noida, the term incontinence refers to accidental dribbling or leakage of urine or feces due to loss of control of the structures involved. This dysfunction usually disturbs beyond the physical point of view, since not keeping it under control can affect the quality of life of an individual. Urinary incontinence occurs more commonly in women than in men, associated with various anatomical and physiological factors, among which the following stand out:

  • Pregnancy
  • vaginal delivery
  • Hysterectomy
  • Menopause
  • uterine prolapse
  • Pelvic muscle weakness
  • Constipation

There are certain diseases and injuries that are also often associated with urinary incontinence in both genders, such as cancer, the presence of a tumor near the bladder, neurological injuries, radiation treatment in the abdominal or pelvic area, intestinal obstruction and urine retention.

Pelvic floor weakness:

The weakness of the pelvic floor muscles is another of the problems that occur more frequently in the female sex and that can result in other alterations that impair the quality of life, among which the following stand out:

  • uterine prolapse
  • urinary incontinence
  • low back pain
  • dyspareunia
  • Anorgasmia (inability to reach orgasm)


Vaginismus is considered one of the less common female sexual dysfunctions, it occurs in the form of involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles that narrow the vaginal canal, making penetration difficult or impossible, medical examination and the introduction of tampons or menstrual cups. When muscle contraction causes discomfort but does not prevent penetration, it is classified as dyspareunia.

The largest number of cases of vaginismus are associated with a psychological origin and only 10% of cases are attributed to physical alterations. In a lower incidence number, vaginismus can also occur without an apparent origin (idiopathic origin). The main causes described are:

Psychological origin:

  • History of sexual assault or abuse
  • Fear of sexual intercourse or pregnancy
  • Little sex education
  • Low self-esteem
  • Negative perception of body image
  • Rejection towards the partner

Physical origin:

The physical origin of vaginismus is mainly associated with pathologies or injuries that cause prior pain in the structures involved in the sexual act, among these are stenosis or narrowing of the vaginal canal, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, fibrous hymen, vaginitis.

Erectile dysfunction in men:

Erectile dysfunction is the repeated and persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection that can be associated with both physical and emotional factors. The inability to maintain an erection is considered a sexual dysfunction when it is maintained for more than 6 months and is accompanied by emotional discomfort, anxiety, feelings of anguish and frustration.

It is estimated that erectile dysfunction affects approximately 20% of the male population, mostly affecting the adult population between 40 and 70 years of age, which makes it a frequent problem in male sexual health.

Premature ejaculation:

As its name indicates, premature ejaculation occurs when male orgasm and ejaculation persistently occurs sooner than desired, during or before penetration. This dysfunction usually leads to emotional discomfort, feelings of sexual dissatisfaction and problems in relationships.

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men. According to sexologist in Delhi, about 1 in 3 men suffer from premature ejaculation throughout his life. This dysfunction also has the characteristic that it can be primary, appearing from the beginning of sexual life, or secondary, which means that it is acquired at a stage of greater sexual experience.

Physio-sexology can participate in the treatment of premature ejaculation through techniques focused on delaying the onset of the reflex, working on the proprioceptive capacity of all the structures that make up the pelvic floor, toning the muscles of the perineum and breathing control.

Delayed ejaculation

Delayed or late ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction in which more than the desired time is required for the man to reach climax, or not reach it completely (anejaculation). 

There is no established time to consider delayed ejaculation as a dysfunction, it is considered as such when it represents a problem for the man and his partner, causing feelings of stress or anxiety. 

Delayed ejaculation can occur during sexual intercourse with a partner, during masturbation, or both. Sometimes, it is also possible that the man is only able to ejaculate through masturbation, which would fall under the concept of situational anejaculation.

Anejaculation is not exactly a frequent sexual dysfunction. This can be classified into two types:

  • Total anejaculation: It refers to the total inability of the man to achieve ejaculation. Men with this condition are able to produce sperm and reach the sensation of orgasm.
  • Situational anejaculation: In this case, the man's inability to ejaculate semen is only conditioned by factors that may be related to the environment, the partner or the type of act practiced.

Benefits of physiosexology

Physiotherapist in Dwarka offers the opportunity to enjoy a full and healthy sex life, attending to various problems that can affect the comprehensive well-being and self-esteem of men and women. Despite being a still little known area of ​​physiotherapy, evidence has shown that physiosexology provides very positive results in the treatment and prevention of various dysfunctions of sexual origin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Importance of Physiotherapy in Stroke


Physiotherapy in the Rehabilitation of a Stroke

Stroke or cerebral infarction is a cerebrovascular disease, and its sequelae can include altered sensitivity, loss of strength and coordination.

Immediate physiotherapy treatment after diagnosis is essential for a good recovery.

Why is physiotherapy so important during the first six months after suffering a stroke?

What does a good physiotherapist in Dwarka bring to your side during your recovery journey? We will see it below, but first we will explain what a stroke is.

What is stroke or cerebral infarction?

Stroke, also called brain infarction, is a cerebrovascular disease that occurs when there is a rupture or obstruction in a blood vessel, thus reducing the flow of blood received by the different parts of the brain.

The blood does not reach the brain correctly and, as a consequence, the nerve cells do not receive oxygen, stopping to function. Stroke is also known as

Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA).

Symptoms are usually sudden in onset and rapidly developing: They include:

  • Loss of strength or sensation
  • Weakness in the face, arm, and leg on one side of the body
  • double vision
  • feeling of vertigo
  • sudden disturbance of speech
  • sudden headache

Why is physiotherapy essential for recovery from a stroke?

Physiotherapy in Dwarka plays a very important role in recovery and in reducing the sequelae of a stroke. Its main objective is to reactivate brain plasticity to recover lost functions or maintain those that remain intact.

The brain has the ability to learn through repetition. Therefore, the patient must insist on practicing, over and over again, the different daily activities from day to day.

The role of physiotherapy in the first 6 months after a stroke the neurorehabilitation process must begin as soon as possible, to take advantage of neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of neurons or groups of neurons to modify their activity and even their morphology in response to changes in the environment or use.

Rehabilitation programs must be specific and individual. They consist of a combination of physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and psychology techniques (according to the patient’s needs).

How does home physiotherapy accompany the rehabilitation of a stroke patient?

Ideally, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka starts working with the patient in the hospital itself few hours after the stroke occurs. Physiotherapy treatment will begin with mobilizations and postural care while the patient is in bed. Within 48 to 72 hours after the stroke, the physiotherapist in Delhi should help the patient to move to a sitting position.

After this first phase, another important phase must begin:

Physiotherapy at home. The first step will be to set some goals to achieve that have to be related to your day-to-day life. It is essential that the patient feels that these objectives are his own to make him a participant in his recovery.

It is not about setting goals like raising an arm or improving finger mobility. The key is to mark closer challenges that collaborate in improving the quality of life of the patient.

The key role of the family for a stroke patient

Overcoming the mobility obstacles that the patient’s own home presents in the development of their daily tasks is the first objective of a good physiotherapy treatment at home in Dwarka. In this sense, the patient improves not only in the physical and cognitive aspect, but also in the emotional one to improve her quality of life.

A stroke patient should lead as active a life as possible. His relatives must understand that helping him excessively in all his tasks does not favor his independence and recovery from him.

The rehabilitation of a stroke patient should be based on helping the patient to adapt to their deficits, seeking to minimize or completely eliminate them. An active treatment will require the collaboration and learning capacity of the patient and her family.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The role of physiotherapy in cardiovascular rehabilitation

Cardiovascular diseases are among the diseases with the highest morbidity and mortality in the world. And they are very prevalent diseases in the Brazilian population. Affected people experience a loss in quality of life and often demand care, such as what can be accomplished by cardiovascular rehabilitation.

The physiotherapist in Dwarka is an important element in regaining the well-being of people affected by heart, coronary and cerebrovascular diseases. When prescribing exercises, the professional must observe, among other factors, the clinical risk of each patient.

The role of the physical therapist in the multidisciplinary team

In cardiovascular rehabilitation, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka works with doctors and nurses trained to address clinical conditions. Cardiologist in Delhi explains that the prescription of the programs is based on a multifocal approach (exercise and physical activity, control of risk factors, occupational, sexual counseling, education, etc.) and promoting autonomy.

The service begins with the application of ergometric, cardiopulmonary exercise or clinical tests, which assess the patient's responses to physical exertion. Metabolic variables should be measured, in addition to heart rate, blood pressure, perceived exertion and oxygen saturation.

According to physiotherapist in Delhi, possible physical limitations – such as osteomioarticular injuries – should be considered when prescribing training. “Whenever possible, we professionals should try to adapt the schedule of physical exercises to the patient's preference”, he adds.

Psychological factors should not be ignored. "Anxiety, depression, among other behaviors, can also be limiting factors for the patient's evolution in cardiovascular rehabilitation", says the postdoctoral researcher. In these cases, the physiotherapist in Dwarka must make the referral to a professional qualified to offer specialized support.

In addition to gaining specific knowledge about diseases, physiotherapist in Dwarka need to keep up to date in the use of basic life support equipment, such as the automated external defibrillator. 

Exercise prescription based on clinical risk

The exercise prescription should also consider the clinical risk, classified as low, intermediate and high – according to each individual's health history, limitations and training objectives.

  • Low: Long-term training can be done at home, with face-to-face or distance supervision. The goal is to maintain overall health and make greater gains in physical fitness.
  • Intermediate: Seeks to improve aerobic and non-aerobic physical fitness (muscular strength, flexibility and balance). The patient can perform home treatment with indirect professional supervision.
  • High: These patients should be constantly monitored – with checking heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, capillary blood glucose and electrocardiogram – during exercise to allow rapid response to any signs of risk. Therefore, face-to-face, clinical or outpatient care, for example, is essential to ensure patient safety. The program should consider intensity, duration, frequency, training modality and progression appropriate to individual clinical conditions.

It is important to emphasize the need for special care in remote or home care. “We must always evaluate the resources that the patient has available at home and adapt them so that he can have the greatest benefits from the physical exercise program”, explains best physiotherapist in Dwarka. In the physical absence of the professional, the execution of the training must be accompanied by a family member, in case some type of support is needed or for a quick reaction to intercurrences.

All cases must undergo reassessment. And, if necessary, by indicating a new exercise program. Furthermore, it is essential to act with a focus on promoting well-being, improving quality of life and reducing the risk of clinical complications, such as smoking cessation, dietary reeducation and body weight control.

Physiotherapist in Najafgarh should also advise all patients to maintain the prescribed medication administration.

Physical exercises for cardiovascular rehabilitation

Physical exercises should preferably take place in open spaces, such as athletics tracks, multi-sport gyms and parks. Indoors used for sessions should contain non-slip properties to minimize the risk of accidents and falls.

For aerobic practice, the most used equipment are treadmills and cycle ergometers for lower and upper limbs, rowing machines, ski ergometers, elliptical trainers, among others. As for muscle strengthening, cases of more debilitated patients demand, mainly, the use of body weight to perform exercises such as sitting and standing – assisted by a bench or a chair.

Other cases have a wide variety of resources, most commonly free weights, dumbbells and shin guards with varying weights, which allow the execution of different muscle groups. Bars, poles, weighted balls, Swiss balls and elastic bands or bands with different degrees of resistance are also widely used in cardiovascular rehabilitation.

Other exercises may be indicated to improve overall health, such as manual isometric and inspiratory muscle training and to improve balance and flexibility. Whatever the prescribed training, the physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar has a duty to guide the proper execution of all movements to avoid injuries, as well as when handling equipment.